They said YES!!

Everyone in my life has said yes, Ashley, Kim and the NAD.

I just talked to someone at the NAD and they have told me that I am going to be able to go to TCHAD!!!!!!! I can hardly believe it myself. They said I just need to wait for the official letter from the people who okay me with my destination. ANd since James and Sarah want me down in Tchad it should be eaiser!!!!! I can't believe it, I hate to get to excited because there is a part of me that says it might not still work out. But I am going to trust God on this one, I am going to get my shots, my visa and start working on my French again.
I can't wait to start working. For so long there I was floating in limbo land unsure of what was going to happen to me next year. It's nice to have a goal for next year again. I can start mentally preparing myself for French, heat, hard work and lots of challanges.
Meanwhile last week I went to my bestfriend, Ashely Guinn Pena's, wedding in Puerta Vallarta, Mexico :0)
It was a beautiful wedding. I am so happy for her. Since we've been back my other best friend Kimberly has also gotten engaged! So lots of happy love in Texas.

Well I must go for now, I need to start the Rosetta stone so I can work on my French!

Te amo.


Tania Elizabeth said…
YAY!!!!!!!! COOLNESS!!

I'm glad! I was actually going to write and ask who things were moving a long. I'm glad things are falling into place!!! God is good!
Leslie Foster said…
Welcome to the blog world Sonya =) Mind if I add you to my blogroll over at The Nomad Chronicles?
Terri said…
Sonya! That's awesome that it looks like you'll be able to go! I'm happy for you, and hope that it all works out. C'est bon!
Andrea Lynette said…
Hate to be the editor, might want to change that to "elegantly written" rather then elegently--like a gentle elephant. :) And I bet you didn't know I was engaged. (since everyone else is). I bet I didn't know either. But yea for the NAD! And bon chance! :)
ChuckR said…
Can't say that I'm overly excited, I will worry about you as I have done for the past 20+ years. I also know you must do what you feel is right and importnat. May God bless and protect you as you venture forward.

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