
Well the Americans left today. I was sitting eating my breakfast and I saw them drive past on the motorcycles. We counted three, then we (Mature, the father who I eat most my meals with) realized they were short one, and a few minuites later Kenny comes by on a different path, I bet he had to stop by the hospital to pick up some Beigneits (those donut holes). I told my family that I was sad they are leaving and then I had to stop because I didn’t want to cry. I knew that things were going to be changing around here and I had to face it.

I hope that some where, some how they are reading this and they realize how much Liz and I both appreciated them. Today was one of the, no it was the hardest days yet. I sat by my lonesome English self in worship and in the staff meeting. Nobody else was here to speak English to. Liz is working the evening shift this week. And boy was I board because I couldn’t focus on a single word.

The day turned out to be the worst yet! I was realizing how alone we really are out here and wishing that I could go to the (American) house and just sit and listen to them talk. I wanted to work on my projects but my combination sunburn/malaria/doxy made me feel AMAZINGLY hot and light headed. So I went home, without seeing anyone, without telling anyone. Sniff, sniff. Well Christine, Will, Kenny and Joe—you are all missed, trust me :0) I can’t wait to hear about all the amazing mediciny things you are going to do with your lives. I’ll be sending you your jolly juice soon enough.

I guess my day didn’t turn out toooo bad. I took a nap to help with the fever and such and then ate some peanuts with the kids. All in all I know that God is going to help with the transitions that will be happening all year with people coming and going. I know that there is sooo much to learn from all these visitors who come through. We have the Australian couple here for three months, soon a Danish med student will be here, we have Hans, the new missionary, this week, Sarah the SM from PUC, and hopefully a group from Florida to install some solar panels in Nov/Dec and another SM from Southern in Jan. So things around here will always be changing, keeping us on our toes and relying on God for stability. I think that sounds like fun!


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