Do you know where your laundry’s been?

Do you know for sure if your rinse cycle really rinses?? How often do you check your spin cycle?? How gentle is your gentle cycle??

Here in Africa Liz and me know each and every step of the process. This last Sunday we carefully watched how it was done. We so carefully observed the process that lasted all morning. It started at 7:30 and ended around 11:30. We made sure the soap was properly applied to each and every article of clothing as well as making sure each article was getting the proper attention it required for difficult spots. We made sure the water was always warm, not hot, and not cold. We even paid special attention to see if it needed to be rinsed extra. How many people back in the states know for sure if their clothes have been properly rinsed? Ours took several rounds to make sure. We even took notice of properly drying each article making sure not to shrink burn or over heat them. Shoot, how many people take that much care with their clothing? I sure never thought I would. I don’t even really like to but I force myself to because its good exercise and I can save 500 CFA [a whole dollar].

I’ll tell you this though; Maytag has a lot to live up to now!


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