Once upon a time.

Once upon a time in a land just outside of my hut there was a place that had lions and giraffes roaming the forests, there was a forest stuffed full of all sorts of African animals. Finally at one point in time the people of this land decided they would rather try and make things to live with using the wood from this lovely forest. So down went the trees, down went all the animals living in the tree. Once all the trees were gone, the people decided to put in fields of rice so that they could eat more. Once all the fields of rice came and the lions were killed so that they wouldn’t attack people working in the fields of rice people felt safer. They killed the giraffes so that they wouldn’t feel small and tiny. Now in a time much more recent, people can walk millions of kilometers to a river during the afternoon and return in the evening and not have any fears about being attacked by a stalking lion or a crazed giraffe. Once upon a time in a land far away there was a girl who walked safely without the fear of danger, until she got to the river to find her pet hippo. . .


Ben Stitzer said…
WHAT happens next?!? Does the hippo eat her, or does the hippo become her best friend? Do the lions return and fight with the hippo and the hippo saves the girl's life?!? I need to know!

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