Change. Yup. Can’t live with them, can’t live without them.

The Austrailians, Lily and Paul, are heading back home. They’d been here almost as long as me and Liz. Cristinal, the Portuguese nurse from France, is also heading home to France. She’d been here for 5 weeks-but it seems like longer. The good news is we finally got our car back (see James blog from back in July to find out what happened to the car) and so at least they don’g have to take public transportation back up to N’Djamina. But Sarah’s dring with them up there to make sure everything goes alright. Which leaves me, Liz, Hans and James here all by our lonesome little selves, we’ll be the only ones at the house for the next few days. Esther is over at Anne and Richards—the missionaries who are here with some non-denominational ministry. They’ve been in Africa for years. They even speak Nandjere, which to me makes them really smart! They’re great. They’ve been back from their son’s wedding for about a month now. We’ve been over twice on Saturday night to eat and sing or play games.

Things once again will take some getting used to. Everyone will be missed and it’ll be strange to go back to the house and not see anyone. Lily, Paul and Cristina you are missed!


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