Here’s where it gets crazy. . .

We were opening our packages and Sarah still wasn’t feeling good. She had been feeling bad even before we left that morning so she was laying down on the couch in the living room. So back in the room Hans made a comment on how she wasn’t looking all that good. Then I was going out to get something and I see she had passed out in the hall and Dr Audrey was holding her. So I peak my head back in the room and tell the other two. While we were all sitting there helping her in the hall, getting her IV in and liquids down her it hit me—I love my family here—My SM family. I didn’t know all that was going on then. It was the start of more than 24 hours of crazy time. Over that time I grew very scared. When Dr Greg, an American certified surgeon, came in around 1 or 2ish Sat am to examine her stomach, because that is where she had been having pain all day and now night, the thought of Appendicitis hit me and I was scared. What would we do” It was al scary for many reasons. I love Sarah—one of my new sisters. I was scared because it could very easily have been me and I was scared because it could turn out very badly/rough for Sarah.

Saturday am early things got really rough with pain. Liz and I were both in the back room with her where we all three had settled down for the evening. It was crazy because it hurt her so bad and the pain meds took so long to kick in. All Saturday we sat with her wondering if she had Typhoid and perforated her intestines (a hole in the intestine)

When they brought in James and Sarah who had been in Cameroon at Dr Greg and Dr Audrey’s hospital, via Gary the Adventist Missionary pilot I got a bit more nervous for her.

The idea of surgery in general just sounds scary!

Finally it was decided by Sara that she would have a laporatomy done here. That’s the surgery we do here because we can't do cat scans or any other type tests. We didn’t know what was wrong but she knew there was a risk in going anywhere else should something happen mid flight.

Right away Hans, Liz and Cristina went to go prep the OR with Oue de javel aka bleach. I stayed back with Sarah to make sure she was okay and was able to talk to both her parents. It was during that time that I felt a calming peace settle in me. I just felt she’d made the right decision. Right before we all went over to the OR Greg checked her again. It was then that he later said he felt at peace to operate on her.

She had appendicitis and James believes that had she delayed much longer it would have ruptured. God is good. If she had chosen to leave things could have turned very very scary in the air or in N’djamena.

Liz and I stayed the night again. She woke up early Sunday am in a WHOLE lot of pain. It was awful. I held her hand and rubbed her head while Liz rubbed her legs as the morphine kicked in. She was given a bunch of morphine to help with the pain. Praise God we had morphine. Normally we don’t.

Praise God for many things that He has done for us this last week. Praise Him all who breathe because Sarah is okay and healing quite nicely.


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