Sugar's got what it takes. . .

Jenny had been in orbit
Since breakfast time.

From school she rushed off
To a girl scouts meeting,
A trampoline class,
And then a pep rally.

Jenny needs a sugarless,
Energyless soft drink
Like a Beatle needs
A hairpiece.

Two - four - six - eight, what
Does she appreciate?


It quenches fatigue

Note to mothers

How much energy does your child get from the synthetic sweetener in a bottle
of diet soft drink? Exactly none. And who much energy does she need? You
tell us - and ask yourself if you're doing her a favor when you stock the
refrigerator with no-sugar soft drinks. She'll drink them - her thirst
craves anything that's cold and wet. Bur if you want her to have the energy
she needs, you'll bring home the kind with sugar.

*Sugar's got what it takes. . . 18 calories per teaspoon-and it's all energy.*

~found this amazing add in an old Life magazine from the 60's that I brought
to decorate with. Gotta love it :o)


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