La Bic

Working pens in Africa. That is non-existent here. I pick up a pen to write out my blog before hand so that when I get to the computer I won’t use all the time working on a draft, but it takes about 100000000 billion pens to actually write something out! We’ve got all types, inky, gelly, expensive, cheap, free, old, used, red, blue, black and even the trusty Southern Adventist University pens. I write one word and start on the next, then it only gets out the first two letters so I squiggle it on the top of the paper and get it working again, then start to finish the word and . . . nothing but a hard pressed line of where the letter would be if the dumb pen worked . . . so I pick up another pen and start the same crazy process over again!!

I think that even Shakespeare had it better then this! What would our jolly John Hancock say to all of it? Or how about our beloved Edgar Allen Poe? How could even he come up with something to say about this! So DOWN WITH PENS!!!!!!!!!! Long live pencils, unless you don’t have a sharpener. . .


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