A trip to the hardware store.

Breathe in deep, ahhh, that’s the smell of a hardware store! Each time Hans and I give out food to the TB patients we take a trip down memory lane, for me it takes me to the time when I was a little girl and on Sundays I would go to the hardware store with my dad, or last year when I would be working on my car and have to take a trip to the trusty O’Rilley’s auto parts store in Collegedale. But here after we take a big whiff and open our eyes we are in all reality staring at the insides of a long container that once, long ago, brought hospital items from America to the far away country of Tchad and now is being used to hold some medical equipment scraps, extra OR gloves and what used to be a few bags of rice for the TB patients that now has run out.

We like opening the container, it reminds us of America, but we also like to open it because it offers us a chance to help out the TB patients that have to stay at the hospital for 2 to 3 months, by giving them a small amount of food to help them survive the wait. Like I said, we’ve run out of food to give them, BUT that just gives Hans and I something to pray about and go wherever God is leading us to find the resources to stock back up again on food. So the next time you have to stop by the hardware store take a minute to pray and ask God how you can help someone out, I know I will.


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