Liberty, Kentucky

day 1
Originally uploaded by dreams with faith
Appalachia Mission trip, 20th edition.

I've finally come :o) I've waited a long time to go on this trip. Way back when Andrea and I were first roommates our sophmore years in college. While I might not be building anythying here I'm learning and growing. Today I took a lot of pictures of the progress. My feet hurt, the boots I just bought so I'm wearing them in - the hard/fast way. Maybe tomorrow they won't hurst as much!
It's funny because hile I am on a mission trip I'm still in my native country - but at lunch today we went to a gas station to eat our lunches so we could go potty, we're redoing the one at the house, and the sign in the womans restroom staited that I must put all toilet paper in the trash not in the toilet! I thought I was in America. . .

We also took up the floor and there were 9 layers of lynolium and 1 layer of carpet (on top)! The second to top layer had newspaper from 1980, but the bottom layer had newspaper from Dec 10, 1944!

Things are goin well with work, I've felt more comfortable around the students. I met Brandon Moor's parents and I just wanted to sit down with them and ask them to teach me everything they taught him because he did such a good job working with the students. I want to effect the students like he did. Help me Father to want to please only you, not me.


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