Freight train dysfunctional pink teapot
I love making hot tea; I love drinking it, serving it, the while process. I am also old fashioned and dislike greatly microwaving or electric hot water makers. I prefer to do it the same way my grandmother did it (at least I assume the way she made it), on the stove in a teapot. That was one of the exciting things about having my own kitchen was that I could use my stove to make tea when people come over or when I want to sip apple cider before bed.
My flat here in Norway came furnished with lots of things, including a mini cheap teapot, that doesn’t have a whistle hole. I was using it all the time and once when I had a lot of people over we had to refill the little guy lots. Then one day when I was cleaning it out because it had smelt a little funny I noticed something on the bottom on the inside. On closer inspection I saw it was three tiny rust holes! Gross, I had been drinking nasty water. It’s a wonder I didn’t die or something. So on the shelf my teapot went to never be used again. Thus began the serious quest for a new worthy teapot.
I went with Tatiana to get groceries for the school and myself on Monday. We stop at a mall with a grocery store inside and then head over to a place that has cheap overstocked groceries.
At the second place, Price, you don’t always know for certain that some items are there because they are overstocked items. I had been there a few weeks before and glanced around at the teapots just to see what there was (I wanted a whistling teapot) .The only one I had found was one very obnoxious bright pink one, which I quickly voted a big no on. Here I was a few weeks later looking for a new one, knowing that the pink one was not for me. I looked around and looked around and couldn’t find anything, not a pink one, not a black, red or even blue one. Nothing. I was beginning to get a bit sad because I really wanted a teapot; I was tired of using a regular pot to heat my water. There was nothing romantic about getting hot water for tea from a big ugly pot. So I kept looking and looking. Again nothing, I even thought about that funny pink one but nothing was to be found. I knew that this would have been the cheapest place to buy one and I am on a budget so I started praying. I know this might seem silly but how was I to serve tea to Jesus when he comes to visit if I didn’t have a teapot? So there we are talking about it and I told God as I was looking that at this point I would even take the bright pink one. I was looking around and got distracted by the hair driers (I might need one come winter) and thought maybe I would get one this trip instead of a teapot. I decided against it and instead asked God to just help me find a teapot and I would be happy with the crazy pink one, figuring it would fit in well with my flat. I really just wanted a teapot at this point. After I said that I looked at the end cap in the big bin that holds random things and guess what I found? Yup, my bright pink teapot. I smiled and told God thank you for giving me this crazy pink little teapot. I put it in my cart and finished my shopping.
You might think my teapot story is over but alas it is not. It has a bit more. I took my teapot home and right away wanted to take it out and play with it, you know how it is with something new. So out of it’s box it went. Once it was full of water I put it on it’s new home and put it to work. I got my teacup out and selected my favorite tea of the day and waited for the whistle, that’s my favorite part of teapots. As I was waiting I noticed a very loud rumbling sound coming from the obnoxious pink teapot. I thought perhaps it was almost ready to whistle but it wasn’t. My pink teapot was dysfunctional! Then I waited a while more and it never whistled!
My teapot was nutty! In the days since I have found out that sometimes it whistles and sometimes it doesn’t and it always sounds like a freight train while it’s on the burner. What a funny dysfunctional pink teapot I own. But you know what? It’s mine and I kinda like it even if it is unique, cause I’m unique too and I like me. Best of all God gave it to me :O)
So when you come over we’ll have to drink some tea and talk louder to be heard over the freight train dysfunctional pink teapot.
My flat here in Norway came furnished with lots of things, including a mini cheap teapot, that doesn’t have a whistle hole. I was using it all the time and once when I had a lot of people over we had to refill the little guy lots. Then one day when I was cleaning it out because it had smelt a little funny I noticed something on the bottom on the inside. On closer inspection I saw it was three tiny rust holes! Gross, I had been drinking nasty water. It’s a wonder I didn’t die or something. So on the shelf my teapot went to never be used again. Thus began the serious quest for a new worthy teapot.
I went with Tatiana to get groceries for the school and myself on Monday. We stop at a mall with a grocery store inside and then head over to a place that has cheap overstocked groceries.

You might think my teapot story is over but alas it is not. It has a bit more. I took my teapot home and right away wanted to take it out and play with it, you know how it is with something new. So out of it’s box it went. Once it was full of water I put it on it’s new home and put it to work. I got my teacup out and selected my favorite tea of the day and waited for the whistle, that’s my favorite part of teapots. As I was waiting I noticed a very loud rumbling sound coming from the obnoxious pink teapot. I thought perhaps it was almost ready to whistle but it wasn’t. My pink teapot was dysfunctional! Then I waited a while more and it never whistled!
So when you come over we’ll have to drink some tea and talk louder to be heard over the freight train dysfunctional pink teapot.
And now I feel terrible, just terrible, for having to get my hot water out of a big ugly pot. Nothin' romantic about that!