
Lately I've been wondering a few things. I've been wondering what was Jesus' personality? I wonder what was he like on a daily basis? Did he always talk about God, his mission or helping people? He was human, so did he ever just sit around with the guys and talk? Did he always steer the conversation to God or Heaven? Would he goof off? If he were in modern times would he go for a drive with me and just listen to music, even if it were Country music? Would he have danced with me under the stars in Africa? Would he have a giggle fest with us?

Please don't think I am just being disrespectful or anything, I am honestly wondering about his character, who he was outside the ministry spotlight. If I am to exemplify Christ in my life I need to know what he did in his spare time. Did he even have spare time?

Where do I go to find these answers? I want Biblical proof of who he was.

If he wouldn't dance with me under the stars in Africa, what does that mean for me? Do I even know the character of the God I serve? To be completely honest I am afraid, I am afraid he wouldn't hang out with me because I don't do the same things he does. What if l am not even close to acting in the same way he did? What if I have it all wrong? Can I change, or can I accept the change?

I want to believe that Jesus would go for a drive with me with the windows down, the sun roof open and country music playing. I want to believe he would sit and talk about a movie or the latest Josh Groban album, but I don't know. Because if he wouldn't, why do I?

I've decided to search the Bible for some answers. Just this morning I started reading Mark, based on the advice of a friend's blog. I've gotten to the part where he heals the man who was dropped down through the roof. But I don't know yet.

If you have any ideas please share with me, we need each other to help each other.



Megan Newmyer said…
Wow, very thought provoking. Desire of Ages may help unravel His character a bit as well... Definitely something we should all be reading in to. It does seem like all His conversations would have had religious elements to them though... Since God and the Kingdom of Heaven were as real to Him as what's for lunch, and in a very real sense He was in constant connection with His Father... I should do some reading myself...
Anonymous said…
This post is rivetting and I had to respond because I feel so passionately about what you just said. I hope you don't mind, since we are strangers to each other. I agree with you, that if Jesus isn't talking about the latest movie and music releases why are we!? Do we seem to forget that Jesus calls us out of this world, to not be of this world? If so, why would He, who is so holy and heavenly minded be so engrossed with things that are of an evil spirit? These things are what the world seeks after--the music, the movies, the fashions . . . As for me, I do not watch them, nor listen . . . because Jesus is infinately more attractive and fulfilling, that there is no desire for them. They war against the Spirit of Christ who resides within, who recoils in horror at the spirit that motivates these things! Jesus is trying to lift our minds up to be holy, and we who profess to be follows of Him (!)instead bring him down to the level of the sensual.

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