I, myself and the ugly ME MONSTER.

How often do I talk about . . . myself?

I was watching Brian Regan today and was reminded to work on my listening skills. Sure I've got fun stories, adventures and my own tale to tell. But what about you? You also have a story to tell. I want to listen, I want to be actively listening to what you have to say.

In order for me to become a friend, a true proper friend I need to listen. I want to be the person who can ask you a question and you know that I really want to know the answer. I want to have some light conversations but then I want to dive deeper. I want to know what makes you tick, what makes you laugh and what hurts. If I want to be a friend on the inside scoop I need to be willing to do what it takes and not always talk about me but listen to your body language, your non verbal cues and respond to them.

Today I will listen. Today I will ask questions. Tomorrow? Tomorrow I'll do it all over again.


Anthony said…
Jessi Jo said…
But your stories are so much better than mine...

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