Letting Go.

Why is there fear in the letting go?
Am I afraid of the lack of control?
That's it, I have to do this.

I have to let go.

No more plans for my future,
No more pleas for my way,
I want to let go and live in today.

The truth brings hurt,
She causes me pain.
She doesn't match up with my 'dreams'
I kept waiting for the wake up jolt.
The wake up came and
Stabbed me with pain.

I'm letting go and living in today.

No more plans for my future,
No more pleas for my way,
I have to let go and live in today.

God now has free reign of my plans.
I won't be the back seat driver,
The one who makes the calls.

It's not in my hands anymore.
I've let go.


chelsea said…
so hard. This is a really good poem
wouldn't mind some advice on how to do that myself...
Anthony said…
I concur. However, I will talk to God about His plans for you.
Danny Miller said…
Hi Sonya, great poem that expresses the primary reason why we feel the need to control: FEAR. I have learned that once I face and embrace my fears--of the future, of how things will turn out etc.--my need to control subsides significantly and I have more peace and balance in my life.

Danny's Decontrol Yourself blog: http//:www.losingcontrolfindingserenity.com

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