
I think I have a holiday hangover.

I've spent many nights up late. Writing, watching movies, talking, contemplating life with Kimberly, and playing games.

I've eaten my fair share of cookies, peppermint bark and peppermint ice cream.

The results is my holiday hangover. It's hanging-over in my throat and in my tired body.


Andrea said…
Yeah, I'm pretty sure your hung-over.
kessia reyne said…
I have one of those too, but it's hanging out over my belt!
i had it yesterday... but that's cuase i went to bed at 2:30 (again) after picking up a friend at LAX... and got up at 6 for a GREAT first day of class!!! not amused was i. i miss you!
Rachel V said…
Yay for peppermint ice cream!!!!!!!

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