
Once upon a time I was roommates with Andrea Keele.
(Andrea is on the far left)
I was a member of Myspace before she was and so I would use her computer to log in and check out all the cool stuff Myspace had to offer. Since I never worried about her logging in to check her non existent myspace account I never really logged off. . . until the summer she got an account and the hacking commenced.

This is the blog she (along with her brother Donnie Keele) wrote with my name:

It seems this happens more to me than anyone else. I mean, have you ever met someone and its just like so natural. Its almost as if when you look into their eyes that time seems to slow down. And in that moment you seem to learn more about yourself than you ever thought possible. *sigh* I dont know. Maybe nobody understands...maybe nobody ever will. But these feelings, they are so strong. I cannot deny them. And so here I sit. I stare at a blank wall, but it is not the wall I see, but painting of life. So full of color and passion. So full of energy and happiness. So full of joy and spontenaity. And so I stare at this wonderful photograph upon my wall. I love photographs. And now I see things a little more clearly. Some things are just meant to be. Yes, now I know what it is I have to do...

This is the about me stuff she added:

I am me. I love thunderstorms, and feeling the wind in my hair. I love gazing at stars, and holding hands, chasing butterflies. You might find me flying a kite, blowing bubbles, and finger-painting daisies and waterfalls. The only thing I fear is fear itself. The only thing I hate is hate itself. If I could be an animal, I would be a cuddly puppy. If I were a vegetable, I would be a bright, red cherry tomato. When I grow up, I want to be an astronaut and save the world. There are no substitutes for La Sonya.

I've got to hand it to her at least she's a good writer.


Donnie said…
ba hahahaha...yeah i remember writing this stuff with andrea now...this was before any of my newswriting classes that ruined my creative side...
Andrea said…
My brother and I make a good hacking team.
kessia reyne said…
Southern Slackers... and Hackers.
Don Keele Jr. said…
And I totally thought you were that creative! I don't know where my kids could have come up with something like that. And it seems to be so underhanded and conniving too. Must have gotten that from their mother.

I am deeply sorry.

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