The first few days at home

About my new Home 

The house is bigger and smaller than I thought. My room is smaller, the kitchen bigger. My room has a desk build into the wall (pictures later) and two little shelves. I love the fireplace in the corner and my big windows along two of the four walls. They capture the morning sun nicely. I've unpacked all my things and just need to get a few things from the market to finish making it comfy. However it might actually take some time because I want to find someone who can make baskets and a house plant or two. I'll try and go to the market this week.  

My first night home I arrived rather late and just had a shower before bed. The funny part was that we don't have any running water. . . so I showered out of a bucket. I am so blessed to have lived in Tchad. My family there taught me to be an African. I will forever be in debt to them for being patient with me, so now when I live in another African country I can confidently say, "I know how to do that, I can wash myself with a bucket of water, clean my clothes with my hands, draw water from a well, cook rice over a fire." How blessed I am. My house, however, will get running water soon. As much fun as drawing water for my shower, flushing the toilet (at least there is a toilet I always say) and for washing my hands I look forward to simply turning a nob and letting it run. It will also be good because right now we have to bring water in from another place to drink, how very vogue African. 

I still have so much to learn.

I must also be honest. The first few days ( I can say the first few because now I've been here a whopping 4 days) I would get quite overwhelmed. My thoughts would just dive into all the 'things' that need to be accomplished. But they need to be accomplished by 6 months or so. I had to keep reminding myself I'd only been at home for a few days and I wasn't in a rush, pole pole (slowly slowly) as they say. I read in my worship on Thursday something that also helped. It said: "God is my strenght and power, and He makes my way perfect" 2 Samuel 22:33. Then CF Stanley said about that text, "He delights in showing me again and again that He is the source of my strength, myprovision, my protection, and my ultimate success in life." Phew, what a great reminder. Pole pole, trust God. Amen


Anonymous said…
Running the risk of sounding incredibly ignorant... What's the main language of where you live now? Do you already speak it or do you have to learn?
chelsea said…
sonya, your home sounds absolutely lovely.
kessia reyne said…
another home on the way to Home! How nice :)
Elisabeth said…
Thank you for posting! It is exciting to hear that you are getting settled! I hot shower is over rated...a cool bucket is much for adventurous! Haha! Can't wait to hear more!
Jif said…
Hello love! While you did describe your little abode, I'm sure that even with the best words I cannot begin to fathom where you are and what it really looks like. I'm afraid even my imagination is naive to your surroundings. My prayers and blessings are with you friend!! I drank a cup of Rooibos in your honor this morning....cheers friend. =)
Anonymous said…
God is good. He gives us what we need for today so we have faith He'll do the same thing tomorrow, and the tomorrow after tomorrow.
Marilee Weis

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