Month number 1

I figure I need to write about living here for one month now. To be honest I can’t believe it has only been one-month/4 weeks/720 hours, it seems like I have been here forever. Maybe it is because this life isn’t so new, and the people in it feel like people I was missing in my life up until now. I’ve laughed with Mary so many times in the weeks I have been here. She is patiently teaching me how to cook like a Tanzanian mama and we are sharing thoughts, not the loose ones that are floating around, although I do share those too, but we are sharing deeper ones. We are two women living in a house sharing the responsibilities of simple living yet we are growing and sharing. It is amazing. I honestly never thought I would connect this well with someone who is not from my country.

This location; I feel as if I have always known these dirt paths, I’ve always known that turning left at the “Doors” would take me to Ngordoto Lodge or Maxi’s shop would sell me toilet paper for 5oo Tsh. I have a healthy fear of things but I’m not afraid to meet new people, I am making friends of all ages and genders (although it seems a few of the men would like to get married and that makes me weary). I have friends that work in beauty parlors, making topography maps, and work in gardens.

I know we will be getting children soon. I’ve had longer than most pregnant women to prepare myself for children but I still think it will be quite the awakening when I have little feet around the house. I’ve been swimming in the silence of the house for a long time, I just hope I don’t get to use to it. I must remember this is just the calm before the storm. The kids, I have been here long enough to wonder what the little face will look like or what their life will have dealt them. What their personality will be like and what kind of joys they will bring.

I’ve meet expatriates from all over the world, Germany, Canada, America, Congo, and England. I’ve connected with Student Missionaries from different organizations and I am excited to develop those relationships and offer what I can to them.

One month and so much has happened. Who am I that God would give me such a life? He is more wonderful than I could ever express, He is filling in the gaps in my life. He is teaching me, guiding me and loving me when I need it most. I can see the works of His hands here and I am frightened and excited to see what mighty and powerful things will happen at the home.


Elisabeth said… happy you are feeling at home there!
chelsea said…
phew! it was scary and hard for you to get out there. i'm so glad it's where you belong.
Andrea said…
Happy 1 month anniversary! :) I'm glad you brought Prince Charming along. I'm sure he'll like Africa.
Sarah said…
Wow, time does go fast. That is so cool that you are creating such a great relationship with Mary. I remember in Tchad thinking it was just impossible to have that kind of communication with any of the locals, we were on such different levels of life. Hope we can talk soon!
Marilee said…
Sonya, this truely was elegently written.... Amazing how you can put words together, but what tops even that is the the way you respond to God leading you. Praying for you, the staff and the kids who are coming.

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