Here we go again.

So, just when I thought the coast was clear I'm down for the count again. I guess the medicine they gave me just around 2 weeks ago wasn't strong enough and here I am again with malaria.

This is awful. I am a tiny bit miserable, actually I feel quite miserable. Feel free to send me get well cards. It's like getting the flu twice in less than 2 weeks. I'm hot, my body hurts, my head hurts, I have a headache and I feel like I got run over by a daladala.

At least I know that one week from today the board of directors will be here and it will be like Christmas. It's the light at the end of my very long tunnel.


Andrea said…
Super sorry. You have all the sympathy I can give. And you know I don't give that away too often, so I hope you feel special. :) Seriously, that stinks. I will ask God to heal you quickly, or at least send something or someone to cheer you up.
Anonymous said…
I'm so sorry you're sick again! You're definitely in my prayers...

Mejorate Pronto!!
kessia reyne said…


Seriously, I hope you do.
Anonymous said…
Oh Sweet Sonya! I hope you are feeling better since I'm a few days late reading the post. Our prayers are with you. I'm so proud of what you are doing there. It is fun to tell people about my very cool cousin!
I hope you got my Christmas card!
Anonymous said…
Praying that by now, 1/29, you are up and about. Can't wait to hear about your kids-praying for them too and wisdom, understanding and patience for you and the workers.

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