Couch Rock

I went up to couch rock last night. It's one of the highest points on camp, I went to look at the stars and to remember my God and where He has brought me. I could look over the entire camp and hear voices of Spanish and English wafting up in droves from Spanish Campmeeting, I could hear their music still playing late into the night after their meeting. As I looked up into the night sky to find my place in this universe, I realized I was lost. I couldn't find my place, I could only find one of the Dippers. I didn't see the normal stars that guide me, that show me I'm home. It was really unsettling. I am used to looking up and knowing the place of everything, which direction to turn to see what and how far to the left or right to turn. But last night I felt confused, lost and out of place. It was actually quite scary and uncomfortable. As the sliver of moon set the night sky became brighter and the stars more radiant I was able to calm down and focus. Eventually I was able to find Cassiopeia and Corona Borealis. But what about my favorites? What about the stars that I make me feel at home, in a safe place, loved and comfortable? Where are Orion, Pleiades, Taurus and Little Bear? How am I to feel like I belong here if I don't know where I am?
I hope to spend more time out on the couch, looking to the heavens. It's there that I can take my thoughts to God, thoughts that only He can help with, thoughts that only He can and should hear, thoughts that He will understand. Thoughts that I fear to share.

Tonight I am still a bit lost and a bit scared, but I know that the stars will get brighter, the sky will turn more familiar and that the Creator will comfort me while I am searching for my place in the universe.


kessia reyne said…
He knows the stars by name
and He knows their place and yours :)
Unknown said…
I don't see the stars the way I used to either. Light pollution drowns them out where I live now. But, just as different stars are called to light our darkness in new places so are we.

"...You may become blameless and pure, children of God without fault in a warped and crooked generation. Then you will shine among them like stars in the sky as you hold firmly to the word of life." Philippians 2:15,16

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