Thank You List 2012

1.     To be in America
2.     Teaching
3.     Mountains
4.     Adventures
5.     Mom
6.     Dad
7.     Christopher
8.     Pa
9.     Snow
10. Oakhurst Church
11. Community
12. Love
13. My kindergarten and first grade students
14. Trees
15. Prayer
16. Relationship with God
17. Photographs
18. Friends
19. Road trips
20. Kimberly
21. Rachel
22. Andrea
23. European Friends
24. Memories
25. Warm Fires
26. Brit
27. Flowers
28. Colour
29. Bears
30. Amtrak
31. Sunshine
32. Honesty
33. Deep Conversations
34. Phone Calls
35. Mountain Air
36. Running
37. Wild Places
38. Old Friends
39. Cooking
40. Hosting People
41. Baking
42. Older Wiser Fiends
43. Authentic Burritos
44. Evelyn Muir
45. Passion
46. Freedom
47. Music
48. Scarves
49. The Tuesday night Bible study group
50. Summer Camp
51. Jamm’n Song Services
52. Old Home Videos
53. Dreaming
54. Hard Lessons
55. Grace
56. God
57. Spinach
58. Humor
59. Laughter
60.  Sunsets
61. Sunrise
62. Goals
63. Finished Lesson Plans
64. God’s Timing
65. Cabins
66. Closure
67. Card Games
68. Holidays
69. Hope
70. Future
71. Vulnerability
72. Fresh Fruit
73. Fresh Veggies
74. Open Markets
75. Thrift Stores
76. Traditions Old & New
77. Vests
78. Off Roading
79. Climbing
80. My Curly Hair
81. My Hazel Eyes
82. My Hourglass Figure
83. My 5”8’ height
84. Being a Woman
85. Tri lingual
86. Lavender
87. Fall
88. Spring
89. Tea
90. Bible
91. Apples
92. Mangos
93. Second Chances
94. Cheep rent
95. Borrowed cars (even ones with bad gas mileage)
96. People who care about me
97. Big Skies
98. Stars
99. Being where God wants me
100. Having almost 30 years of life.


Andrea said…
I'm thankful for you and your thankful lists. I know I'm probably supposed to say that, but it's true.
so in the end brit didn't get demoted... ha ha
kessia reyne said…
Yes and AMEN to this list and to everything on it.

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