A Year of Jubilee

This year I've decided to call "A Year of Jubilee".

This  might not make much sense to you, but it's a Biblical concept that I've taken as my own. In Biblical times this is what it was: debts forgiven, slaves set free, land restored to original owners, and land given a rest.(Wikipedia) This is what it means to me: a year where people are forgiven, no matter how much they have hurt, personal property is given freely (money and actual items), life is restored to the default joy setting, burdens are set down and love is picked up. This is a year to live life fully without any burdens, a year to try new things, a time to rejoice at what God has given and a time to accept what you have learned from the past harvests, no matter how plentiful or hard they were.

I will celebrate all things because they too have been made new, they deserve the opportunity to start over and try again. People are free to change and I am free to rest my soul.

How can one not be excited about a year of Jubilee?

I don't have any new years resolutions, no more goals of eating cookies or change. It's a year of Jubilee, the year where anything goes and anything can be.

I want to live this year fully and freely.

Hold me to it, ask it of me and live it with me.

This blog was inspired by Josh Garrels, read about it HERE


Andrea said…
It sounds like you're about to start a revolution. But...I'm with you! :)

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