
I'm on a 5 min break from lesson planning at school. I seem to be in overdrive today! It's a good thing since I leave for 3 days for meetings in Phoenix (which I keep accidentally calling Phonics. . .)

I commiserate with other teacher friends who have found ourselves some how in the middle of April! This is the best month (mainly because it's Earth Day) but it's the CRAZIEST month because I'm gone at least one day 3 out of the 4 weeks. Not that I don't like meetings and socializing but it's just a bit crazy. Last week was the week I was here everyday and believe me I made up for lost hours by staying over 12 hours 3 days last week.

I'm still finding myself oddly surprised at how much I love teaching. It almost feels rude because I have so many friends who don't get to love their jobs as much as I do. I mean, I love my job! 12 hour days aside this is fun. We are growing things, little minds and little plants. I'm teaching how to add 3 digit numbers, I took the older kids to see how a theater works! I love this.

I had some stressed out days right before spring break last month, with open house and an almost 1/2 marathon, I was filled to the max. I might have cracked a bit under the pressure but even so I had amazing people here to help support me. They loved on me and acknowledged that this is a crazy job.

I have only one full month left then it's off to Teacher Summer Camp. I think I'm going to make a shirt for it. It'll make me feel better :) I hope to get to help a week at a camp. I still am not sure, but I'm hoping!

Okay, I've pushed the snooze button twice now on my break timer. It's back to work so I can get out before 1pm. I've got 45 min!

I hope to blog a bit more this week after my meetings. We'll see. . . .

May the sun shine warm on your face and may our God bless you with love for your job and those around you.



Andrea said…
Nice update, and way to stay motivated!

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