Here and over there at one time.

I'm in a hard place right now. I am in the last home stretch of my school year, in fact it's something like 20 teaching days left. I want to soak up every last minute with my amazing students, revel in their awesome achievements of the year and party like it's 1999. This class has been a great one, honest. The second graders have been with me for 3 years now (2 out of the 3 students) and the other is in her second year with me. I have had them in my presence more than some of their parents!

But.... on the other hand I am so incredibly excited about the next phase of my life. I find myself wanting to talk about Cambodia all the time. I want to tell people about the country and her people, how they are a strong people who want a better life. I find myself dreaming about what I'll pack in my suitcases, dividing things into a need and can-survive-without-but-do-I-have-to piles. I want to say the Khmai greetings and small words I know. I want to talk about what adventures the job with RAW will bring me. I want to be in July already getting ready to head out.

But...I will miss this. I will miss Oakhurst in all it's country road splendor. I'll miss these people. Thankfully I'll be back for a visit how could I not?!

But...I can't wait to figure out how to cook the local food! I saw black beans in the market, those can taste yummy!

I can't wait to start ridding my bicycle. .. I guess I should say I can't wait to buy my bicycle! I want one like Harriet's. A basket on the front with a lovely zipper cover so I can put my bag in it as I peddle away.

I can't wait to be hot. I know, I know, that's dumb to say. But this last week I've been so cold in the mornings and in my classroom! I want to be warm and humid. (please take note of this and feel free to remind me that I have said such a silly thing)

I can't wait to figure out what my daily life will be like in the RAW office.

See what I mean?! Ugg, it's exhausting. I hope I don't bother anyone too much with either Oakhurst stories or Cambodia dreams. If I do, forgive me!

On the ferry crossing the Mekong in Phnom Penh, Cambodia.


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