Speedy Delivery!

Speedy delivery!

My post office box in Phnom Penh is up and running! Sandy Keele sent me my first letter and it arrived without problems. I thought I'd share that news and see if anyone wants to be my pen pal?

I'd LOVE to have a pen pal!

It can be you!

Will it be you?

Here's the address:

J/K I am not sure I should post it publicly so email me and I'll get it to you!

Also in case you were wondering things you can always send to me via a box here's a un-official list:

  • Fruit gummy snacks
  • Granola bars
  • Taco seasoning
  • Fruity Pebbles
  • Herbal teas
  • Taco Bell sauce
  • Fruit Trail mix
  • A can of Big Franks
  • Emergen-C (vitamin drink powder)

I did have chocolate listed on here but those would melt and make a big fat mess. . . boooooo. I guess you'll just have to bring those with you when you come visit! Yay!


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