November 25, 2018

Happy Thanksgiving. Today we feasted. It's the first time I've been able to host the feast at my place of residence. Before it would be over at Brett's apartment because he has more space but with my new apartment I've got a roof space! It was a small gathering but a lovely group of people who I call family.

Without any further ado here is my annual
100 things I'm thankful for:

  1. Cambodian Adventures
  2. My apartment
  3. Khmer language classes
  4. Art/creating things
  5. Wednesday phone calls with my dad
  6. Late night phone calls with my mom 
  7. Listening to my brothers podcast: Casual Cinecast 
  8. Whatsapp-ing with Xelxi about our favorite tv shows, Chris Pine and ways to torture Chris Clouzet (the good kind of torture. . .)
  9.  Drawing pictures with Andrea on my iphone
  10. Talking about fall with Rachel
  11. People who eat my baking and cooking
  12. Friday Night Pasta Night
  13. My Khmer work family who share lunch time with me
  14. Friendly "Grandma" who says hi to me everyday
  15. My regular veggie lady and fruit vendor friends
  16. Fresh flowers for $1
  17. My great smoothie guy who now knows me
  18. Gertie the green slug
  19. Foxy Roxie
  20. Walking Wednesdays
  21. The giant Whatsapp conversation with my high school best friends
  22. Fireworks
  23. Mondulkiri
  24. Nature
  25. Mountains
  26. Lou-louuuuu
  27. Tesser and our staying in contact
  28. Exmouth and adopted family vacations
  29. WA, Australia (I too was surprised it made the list, the rest of Australia better step up it's game)
  30. Fast and safe bus rides 
  31. Books
  32. Magic Noodle and the noodle salad
  33. Friends who visit me!
  34. Rain
  35. Wind
  36. Sunglasses
  37. My long sleeve RAW Impact shirt
  38. My new overalls and Nashville shirt
  39. Communicating in Khmer
  40. Showing Andrea where I live and work
  41. Digital libraries
  42. Dry and clean place to sleep
  43. Internet
  44. Cheap phone data
  45. My replacement phone
  46. The One Project/One House team
  47. Teaching teachers
  48. Getting to be in a classroom
  49. Brainstorming ideas with teachers
  50. VIP seating at the movies
  51. Adventures with Sarah
  52. Paw Paw ointment 
  53. Gifts from home
  54. Mail
  55. Khmer portraits (I looove these)
  56. Fans
  57. Warm showers
  58. Water shoes
  59. Team trips
  60. Cucumbers
  61. Home made popcicles
  62. Amazon prime music
  63. Memories/mementos from home
  64. Color
  65. Long lasting nail polish
  66. Puppies
  67. Kittens
  68. Small babies with squishy cheeks
  69. Khmer children's books
  70. Tourist who speak Spanish or French that I can help and talk to
  71. Good restaurants that are only 4 blocks away 
  72. A good pillow
  73. A good soft top for a mattress
  74. New friends
  75. People who come back on a Team Trip for the second or third time and I get to hang out with them again
  76. Candles
  77. Pillows 
  78. Clear nights
  79. Health
  80. Healthy curly hair
  81. Rivers
  82. Youtube
  83. BBC news
  84. Free choice
  85. Happiness
  86. Coffee
  87. Donuts
  88. My people back in Oakhurst
  89. Life experiences
  90. Second chances
  91. Peppermint soap
  92. Responsibility 
  93. Good sermons
  94. Conversations with God
  95. Quite moments 
  96. Praise songs that say what I am feeling
  97. Hope
  98. Faith 
  99. Love
  100. You, the person who takes the time to connect with me, chat with me, think of me and support me in whatever way you do. I am thankful for YOU.


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