November 7, 2018

I walk to work on Wednesday. I don't work far from home. Since I've moved it's even closer but I usually take the long way.

On Wednesday you can get a $1 coffee from our favorite little café, Lot 369. So I walk to the coffee shop (opposite direction from work), say hello to all my friends there and then walk to work. I call my dad and chat with him as I walk, it's hard being 12 hours time difference to chat. Wednesday's are good for calling, no one is busy on a Tuesday night.

As I walk to work I get to see up close the neighborhood. I get to dodge around traffic and tell the tuk tuk drivers I don't need a ride. I really enjoy walking past my regular morning-ride-to-work friends. There's the ladies who sell fruit at the corner, just down from the 5 way intersection. They always have a smile and wave. Then after that next corner I pass "Grandma". When I walk I get to interact more with her. We do a lovely formal greeting, then she says stuff to me in Khmer that surpasses my level 1 and I nod my head. We chat a bit more and then I head on my way to the office. Some days I also see "Grandpa". He's a cutie too, he always stops on his slow walks to reply to my formal greeting. Gotta love the commute friends!

It feels good to walk somewhere. It's a perk of living in the city, I can walk EVERYWHERE!!

On my way home I walk with Sarah. It's a fun thing to look forward to. We chat about the day and I usually stop at my favorite banana stall to get . . . bananas. Today I decided to call the grandma Yey Chek, Banana Grandma, she liked it and laughed at it. Her bananas are always so good, last so long and don't seem to carry a thousand ants like other bananas.

Sometimes on my way home I stop and get a smoothie. My favorite is avocado and mango. IT IS INCREDIBLE. You cannot say anything unless you have tried THIS ONE. I like to buy it take it home and stick it in the freezer so it's more like ice cream. Then I'll pop some popcorn over the stove and I've got dinner! It's so good. Come over and I'll shout you a smoothie and popcorn at my place.


Christoffer said…
Nice work with that Banana Grandma name.

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