Space; it could be my final frontier.

So I posted a video about space and how cool it was. I've talked a million times about how much I love space, stars the moon and all that jaz. Well KLM airlines is offering a one in a trabillionmillion chances to win a free ticket to space. I'll be honest. I'm not sure how I feel about this. SPACE! Oh, man to be there, to see it, to feel it, to float in it! Wowzers. YES! But then I think about the Challenger  we just read a story about that. I'm a teacher after all, we know what happened to the last teacher that tried to go up. Plus it just sounds like a horrible catastrophe waiting to happen. But again it's space. Hmmm. I don't know if I could handle the whole thing, what if I died from excitement? Maybe I'll enter, maybe I wont. I can't decide.

What should I do?

If I win, I'll probably experience this in first person:


David said…
Enter. If you win and go into space, I'll swim with Orcas.
Andrea said…
If you go, please cry some space tears for me.
Anonymous said…
Enter!!!! It'll be a great experience plus I'll get to brag that I know someone who went to space!
Enter. Definitely. Theoretically, you can always say no after you win. What you definitely can't do is say yes after you didn't even enter.
all these comments were awesome!
everyone was so clever. then i watched the video...
and it was so cool!
space tears...
enter. win.
then visit me in lebanon.
(if i was there)

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