November 12, 2018

There was a buzz in the office today. It wasn't even my fault because I didn't drink any coffee today. I blame the buzz on a full office of people and the fact that it's two days until the Christmas Staff Retreat and for me like any good extrovert the extra people jazzed up my energy.
*Side Note* In case anyone is wondering it is actually a burden at times being an extrovert. By the time the work day was over I felt as if I had just finished a cup of coffee. I was excited, loud, funny and on top of my wit game--why? Because there were people in the office, I'd gotten a lot done, there is a road trip in two days etc. This kind of energy is exhausting and I am aware that people must be annoyed by the happiness and excitement I gush out. Well, it's not like I can really control it. Thankfully my coworkers seem to enjoy it/embrace it/tolerate it and accept me for it. ((I like you for you!)) *End of Side Note*
There is always a lot of talk about our Christmas Staff Retreat. We always go somewhere, unknown to those of us who don't have to do the booking, and it's always a 'mystery'. Except the fact that it's an Australian NGO and they are nutzo about the beach and miss it like a squirrel misses a bird feeder so it's obvious we are going south to the coast. The mystery is simply which town/island/province are we going to. I, however, along with Sam are holding out for the north to Mondulkiri and her mountains, cool air and elephants.

A surprise that has already come is Nic is here from Australia. Those Roberts are a sneaky family who LOVE to surprise! Ha, welcome back to Cambodia Nic, we are very happy to have you here for the week.

We also have a White Elephant gift exchange on the retreat. It's always fun to see what is the most popular with the foreigners and with the Khmer. I'm excited about mine! It may be my best one in the three years I've gone. I'll let you know who gets it. I asked around in the office to see whose gift sounded exciting. I'm not sure what everyone got but the unknown is fun and I like building the excitement around the game.

Over all, I don't care where we go, I don't care what gift I get or who gets my gift. I'm honestly just excited about getting to hang out with my awesome coworkers. They are some of the best of the best. They are genuine, kind, hilarious, strong and my friends. I'll share more about them as we are on the retreat, till then I'm off to sleep so I can regenerate my energy tomorrow, one day more!


Andrea said…
PLEASE tell me your white elephant gift is a white elephant?? You’re in Cambodia, you could pull it off! Have a fun retreat and be as extroverted as you want.
Christoffer said…
Mountains! Mountains! Mountains! That would be my vote too. Hope the retreat is so much fun.

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