I've been busy, imagine that. Teaching kindergarten and first grade and second grade would keep anyone busy, let alone a first year teacher. My head has been busy figuring out how to teach small people. For example how do I teach first graders to add doubles and add one when they see this math problem 4+5=9. Sheesh, I think we took at least 4 days on just that concept alone. But man, when I was looking into their eyes as I was teaching the whole class about the Indians from the Yosemite area and how the white men kicked them out of their homes with guns, it broke my heart because it was breaking theirs. They know it was wrong. I love teaching them about our history and instilling a love in them for nature and culture. We learned about Moses crossing the Red Sea with the Israelites and how they had to help hold up his arms as he walked. I had the kids hold their arms up for a long time, then they had to help me hold mine up. Then at recess the kids wanted to play Moses and Pha...