
I've donated twice now. When I say donate I mean I tried to donate. You see
I have very small veins. The bags here that they have are gage 12 needles,
which in people terms means HONKERS! Small vein + big needle equals pain and
passing out. Yup twice now when I have given I have passed out. Never once
in the billion times I gave at Southern did I pass out. So here is my
proposal, because I am 0- that makes me a universal donor which means if
there is an emergency surgery and they need blood fast I can give to save a
life. But if they have those big FATTY needles I am useless because I can
only get out about 1/3 of a bag, which is nothing at all. So if you are
reading this and have access to normal sized blood bags with needles and
think you could arrange for a donation of them I would love it, I would be
able to have my own stash of bags with petit needles which I could use when
needed. Please help me give my blood!!! Other wise I don't think I will be
able to give again and I am the only 0- person who works at the hospital.
Thank you in advance for you offers to help!


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