Home Sweet Home
I’m home at last! My first real home. I arrived in Oslo yesterday and drove with Erin 2 hrs to Skotselv. Now I’m actually home for the first time in months. It was a bit hard to believe. Everything is beautiful and so cute, Scandinavian cute. From houses, barns, big fields, tons of trees, small roads. I love it. I think I’ll like it here just find. We drove into Skotselv and looked around at the school Quite nice. I met several people who’s names I’ve already forgotten due to lack of sleep for such a long time and due to the fact I have never heard these names before. (I’m glad my name is a universal name, thanks mom and dad) At the end of our tour I saw my little flat for the first time. So cute and homey. I wish I had taken some before and after photos. But I hope you like the after photos at least.