Mote, Norwegian fashion
So I’ve always been one to not be afraid of dressing in what makes me happy. If I want to wear bold colours I do, if I want to dress in tights the colour of purple flowers, I do. In fact once in high school I had a sweater that I loved to wear, it was bright yellow and as my best friend put it, it was the colour of playdoh. I decided long ago that it’s okay to dress in my own fashion. Sure sometimes I stand out and feel a bit funny but for the most part I enjoy what I wear. I enjoy adding different styles from people, cultures and other inspirations. I was recently at a fair here in Norway. Something similar to the State Fair of Texas, booths, food, culture, machineary, hand crafts. It was a lot of fun. Erin and I wandered through the stalls looking at everything from homemade knives to Peruvian llama hats. But the best part of this fair was when we were waiting for Bjorn Age (her husband) and Bjorn Aron to finish their rides in the fairway. Oh, the style tips I was able to get! It’s easiest to get ideas from the youth of a place. They are the ones most up to date on style. This is what I learned from them: wear tall socks and tuck your jeans into them. Don’t worry about putting them in nicely so they don’t bunch just get them in there. In fact don’t worry about much else so long as they are in your socks. Your socks don’t have to be anything in particular just tall enough to hold your pants. This was such a great fashion statement apparently that not only were your average adolescents sporting the fashion it but your middle aged mothers were enjoying the idea as well. Perhaps you will see me in the next few months wondering your streets sporting the fashion that I have come to adapt to my life, pants in the socks.
Embrace it, and tonight when you are home go ahead, tuck those pants in, it kinda feels nice.
Embrace it, and tonight when you are home go ahead, tuck those pants in, it kinda feels nice.