I am sure most all of you out there have been sitting up late at night wondering what Sonya is exactly going to be doing the next few months/life/year/until you see her again. Because I hate to have you loose sleep on my behalf I am going to do my best to give you a rundown of what I will be up to.

Currently I am working as a Summer Camp staff member at Camp Wawona. I've been the Christian Drama teacher and a counselor. It's been a blast. However camp ends a week from tomorrow (Aug 1). At that time I will be switching over to full time year round camp staff! I'll be sticking around here for two weeks to go through our team building week with the other year round staff, then I'm off for a month but I'll be back.

After the two weeks I'll head home to Texas for another two weeks to visit family, pack stuff, have a garage sale, do research and get sweaty. After that I'm going on a site visit to Arusha, Tanzania.

This is where things get complicated. I'm going to Tanzania at this time (first week of Sep for 10 days) for a sight visit. I'm going to meet the people and visit the location for the future site of the Small Steps for Compassion orphanage. It is where I am planning on returning to to work once the funds for the buildings are in and we can get them up. Since we are not sure how soon that will be I am only planning on staying at Camp Wawona until January (if there are no buildings yet I will have the option to stay longer).

So that's a rough outline of what will be going on in my life for the next few months!

I'm so excited about the opportunities God is giving me. I'm able to work at a camp as year round staff with my best friend, I get to travel, help start an orphanage, and it's as if all my dreams are coming true!

God is indeed good!


Andrea said…
Yee-haw! Now all we need is a good weddin' and all your dreams will come true. I'll pray for that to happen AFTER this year. :)
Miss Jehle said…
I love dreams coming true! So excited for you, Sonya :)

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