At first I was afraid
I was petrified
Kept thinking I could never run a mile
To save my life
But then I started training
My legs grew strong

I learned how to run real far
And I'm not sore
I ran through empty space
I didn't walk that much and
I ran my training pace

It all paid off
I ran my heart out
For 13.1 miles

I will run more
As long as I have shoes
I know I will run to live
I've got all my energy to give
I will run
I will run more

Hey, hey.


Margaret said…
You go girl, this is just the beginning!!
Miss Jehle said…
I ran my first half last fall! It's rewarding. Good job!!
Andrea said…
Once you've finished your running career, you should go into song-writing. :)
kessia reyne said…
that's a catchy tune right there!

and a huge CONGRATULATIONS on your half-marathon. What a big accomplishment! Maybe the bigger accomplishment was doing all that training-- so yay for you, Sonya! I'm glad to hear you'll be keeping it up :D

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