28 beautiful stories

Have you ever wanted to visit, thought of visiting, want to volunteer, know someone who has visited, lived, volunteered on the continent of Africa? Have you ever watched a movie about Africa, seen animals from the Serengeti, or animals that were from Africa? Do you know what simba, rafiki, asante sana or karabu means in English? If you answered yes to any of these questions you need to read 28 Stories of AIDS in Africa.

There are 28 stories from different people and their connection to AIDS, whether they are HIV positive, all their children have died and they are taking care of their 14 grandchildren, they do research for AIDS, they are advocates or they are living with AIDS. I learned so much about this disease that is raping the continent of her people. I learned so much about the different mindsets people in the first and third world have about the disease and ways that people are working to open the eyes of the world to how they can help. The stories are easy to read and captivating beyond anything I thought was possible. Stephanie Nolen does a wonderful job at explaining the disease and how it has managed to kill generations, leaving children homeless and parentless.

The stories clued me into the cultures present in Africa and helped me understand better how to live and function among Africans. They not only touched my heart but they grabbed me and took a hold of they way I see people around me.

I can’t recommend this book enough. If you don’t think you have time to read the whole thing then take it in sections. I wish I could recommend just a few of the stories but they are all so good and eye opening that in order to fully understand the situations you must read them all. Read them slowly and understand the pain of these people, the burden that they are carrying, the dreams they have and the lives they live. Let God speak to you through them and let them change you.

When you are done, let’s talk about them. I’ll be waiting.


Andrea said…
My friend Pamela, the appendicitis friend, went to Africa (I think Tanzania) last summer for about a month, and told me some stories of AIDS, and some of the beliefs about it. It was pretty sad.

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