
Communication. I'm not good at it.

I am always saying things I shouldn't.

I'm never listening.

I interrupt and I say what I'm thinking.

I want to be a better communicator. I just don't know how. I've always thought it was important to say what was on my mind, to be honest. But apparently not? How am I supposed to know when I can say something and when I can't.

I wish I was a good communicator.

These days it's just been me and God having a lot of conversations because I'm afraid to have them with humans. Afraid I'll say the wrong thing. Not want to listen to their thoughts. Say to much, not enough, be to bold, to harsh or just bad. I'm glad that at least He understands when I say dumb things or  things that are out of anger.

He wont hold my lack of skills against me.

I just wish I could communicate with people.


chelsea said…
It's ok, friend. Give yourself a break. Call me sometime!!
Andrea said…
God is the best communicator. You're talking to the only One who has it figured out, so you're not wasting your time. That being said, I appreciate your communication. :)
Elissa Lombard said…
The title of this post caught my eye, and I must say I completely sympathize! This is almost precisely my experience. Thanks for sharing.

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