100 things to be thankful for

Okay, so this is a bit late but better late than never, right?

For my Thanksgiving tradition I have composed a list of 100 things I am thankful for. Here it is in no particular order:

  1. Cambodia
  2. Australian slang
  3. Adventure
  4. Purpose
  5. Family who support my life choices even if they think I'm crazy
  6. Mom 
  7. Dad and Deli
  8. Fifer, my kaka
  9. Andrea
  10. Rachel
  11. BurlyKim
  12. Xelxi
  13. messages from friends and family
  14. Gertie the Green Slug
  15. Khmer
  16. Donuts
  17. Khunara/Ra
  18. RAW Impact
  19. Cold weather
  20. Warm weather
  21. Rain
  22. Free Wifi and cheap data plans
  23. Tuk tuks
  24. Hope
  25. God
  26. Love
  27. Travel
  28. Music
  29. My flatmates
  30. Joma coffee in the morning with Brett and Jay (and whoever else comes)
  31. Khmer iced coffee
  32. Team trips 
  33. Outdoors
  34. Church
  35. Community
  36. Curly hair
  37. Sunrise
  38. Quite mornings
  39. English
  40. The corner restaurant
  41. Hanging out with the Family
  42. Kitten's
  43. Puppies!!
  44. Good office days
  45. Air con
  46. Fun bed sheets
  47. Line drying my clothes
  48. My porch garden
  49. Growing and learning
  50. Mexican food
  51. Trees
  52. Angkor Wat
  53. Running
  54. My $1 gym
  55. Rice
  56. Coconut everything
  57. Doctors
  58. Stick shift driving
  59. Laughter
  60. Happiness
  61. Innocence
  62. Kids around the world
  63. Good conversations
  64. Vulnerability, even if it is hard and scary
  65. New friends
  66. Riding with a friend on a motorbike
  67. Holidays
  68. Challenges
  69. Ice with a hole in the middle I can put my straw in
  70. The burrito place on St 155
  71. Kips (Aussie for naps)
  72. Color
  73. Dry Erase markers
  74. Tile all over the walls in my apt
  75. My teaching heritage
  76. The Andersons
  77. Brett
  78. Pete
  79. Abbie
  80. My mentors
  81. Thanksgiving Feasts
  82. Kindness
  83. Baseball
  84. Lazy Sunday afternoons
  85. Spontaneous Adventures in Phnom Penh
  86. The GUZMANS
  87. Kendra
  88. The Wiegs
  89. Diana Pleitez, who took over OACS as principal
  90. Beauty
  91. Simplicity
  92. Sleep overs in the village
  93. Hammocks
  94. Stars
  95. Curiosity
  96. Hope of Heaven
  97. Living a life for others
  98. God's calling on my life
  99. Smiles
  100. Courage 


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