Reality is in the Details
Obviously, when one wears make up, fake eyelashes and has access to Photoshop things don't always seem as they appear! Okay, so I showed you last time what the photoshopped pictures looked like. I am not going to lie, I stared at mine for quite a while. It is incredible to look at because I see me, but I don't see 'all of me'. I don't mind the changes because I think the results are lovely, not accurate of an everyday me but that's fine. I don't think I would want all my photos to be photoshopped either. It can be kind of tempting though. I wore the eyelashes for as long as I could, they eventually started to fall off during my afternoon coffee. I enjoy the way they feel as well as the effect they have on making my eyes stand out. I enjoyed being 'fancy'. I think I posed more in those few hours (not including the actual photo shoot) than I have in a long time. But the external mask of beauty doesn't last forever, we sweat, we rub our e...