or is it still Tchad?
Okay, so i finally heard from Tchad, they still wants us! Good, but does the NAD want us to go? James emailed the NAD telling them that we are safe in Bere, and that they let him and Sara go back down there after furlogh, so they should let us go down there and volunteer!!!!! Ah, I have no idea what will happen, I do know that God is in control, even if it doesn't feel like it at times. For when I am weak [ or confused and scared]it is then that I am strong. 2Corinthians. Rwanda is still an option and I have emailed them and I will see what they say to me. I'll let you know when I can. Till then I'm here at camp working on lots of programing fun. Native American camp starts on Sunday! Bring on the little people!!!! let me know what you think! leave a message. la sonya