
Showing posts from May, 2007

or is it still Tchad?

Okay, so i finally heard from Tchad, they still wants us! Good, but does the NAD want us to go? James emailed the NAD telling them that we are safe in Bere, and that they let him and Sara go back down there after furlogh, so they should let us go down there and volunteer!!!!! Ah, I have no idea what will happen, I do know that God is in control, even if it doesn't feel like it at times. For when I am weak [ or confused and scared]it is then that I am strong. 2Corinthians. Rwanda is still an option and I have emailed them and I will see what they say to me. I'll let you know when I can. Till then I'm here at camp working on lots of programing fun. Native American camp starts on Sunday! Bring on the little people!!!! let me know what you think! leave a message. la sonya

Phase 2

I haven't heard anything from the NAD or from James in Tchad yet. But after talking with Andrea in the Chaplains office, I have been given a new idea. Rwanda yup, there's an orphanage there that I could work at. I haven't contacted anyone yet, I'm still going to wait till the weekend to start on my backup plans. But just knowing that there is still somewhere that I can go to serve is great. Expecially because this is an orphanage and I would love to be able to work at an orphanage. Maybe this is where God wants me to go? I don't know yet. A lot of sitting and talking with God will need to happen. I still will work on learning French because it is one of their top languages. Just knowing though that there is another place for me is a huge relief. I was scared with not knowing what I would be doing next year. I trust God, I just didn't know what He had in mind. Now though I feel better about things. If you want to check out the website for the Orphanage it's w...


Well, I have found my first real setback for Tchad. Acording to the NAD (North American Division of Seventh-Day Adventist) they won't let me go to a country that has a small travel warning. They didn't say anything about Liz, and they didn't say anything about the guy who's down there now. I still feel quite confident in my call, I just feel a bit scared as to how I am going to get down there. Please pray for everything to work out. i know that whatever happens God is in control, just like He has been in control of my life when crazy, unexpected things happened earlier this year. Maybe God is trying to teach me something with this. I guess I'll just have to sit and wait. I'll let you know as soon as I hear something more! with hope, Sonya

is this thing on??

Hey everyone (uh, that's probably nobody right now) Just got the hook-ups for this blog. Hope ya'll like it! so.