When I was 20 years old I moved to Santa Barbara, Honduras. I lived at a home for children, Hogar de Ni Ʊ o s. That was the year of mi Pepino. Nahum was his given name, but mi Pepino was his special name. I'm not even sure how I came to call him my cuccumber . I just did. He never seemed to mind either, he would call me silly names too but none of them stuck on me like pepino did for him. I remember one day we were laying on the benches in the court yard between the buildings. We were not really talking, we were simply sharing the love language of quality time. Then the little guy pipes up and asks me, "Sonya, what are we doing?" I replied, "Nada". Then without missing a beat he says, "In that case we must be pirates." He was referring to the pirates who don't do anything from Veggie Tales! Ah, what a kid. So smart and quick. If you asked him his favorite book of the bible: Nahum. He liked that it talked about fighting and warrior things. Another...