A mixture of thoughts
I love the smell of rain. I love how it makes things cold. I love how it fills the well with water. I love how it makes things green.
I keep forgetting it’s fall where you are. I’m enjoying the spring and warm sunshine while you are getting snow. I love snow (I also love most things, it’s in my DNA to love things). I hope you are taking time to walk among the falling leaves, bundle up, wear a scarf, drink hot chocolate, sit by a fire, because fall is the time of year to slow down and be with people. I love fall.
I love to bake. You can ask any friend who has lived near me in the last few years and they will verify those facts. Although flour is a bit expensive here I still buy it ($1 for 2lbs). I’ve already made some sugar cookies and cinnamon buns, which my buns are getting better and better each time. The tricky part with baking here is to I light the top of the oven or the bottom. We use kerosene and you can’t light both, so I’ve chosen the bottom. Any tips on that would be welcome.
I do not love to go to Arusha. I went awhile back to get prices for our Holiday sponsor information and while I was there I interacted with so many people. Arusha truly is a city of many people, I talked with Christians, Muslims and Hindi. Quite the wide variety.
Nuts, there went the power. I’m pre-writing this on word so when I go to where there is internet I can copy and paste; however now I am not so sure I will go anywhere. It might be a nice quite evening at home with a good book and chi. Aww, it’s not to bad. I had wanted to call some of you to talk and to search a few things online but that can always wait.