Fangler to Wrangler, I’m well on my way.
I am well on my way to my wrangler-hood! Sarah, the daughter of the visiting Doctors from Cameroon, and I have been ridding a lot more, going in the afternoon on Wednesday and early morning on Saturday. She has been ridding Bob, the horse that broke his hip at a very young age and I rode Pepper, the horse of the same age who has only two speeds—fast and then beaucoup fast. When we went for our ride last Wednesday it was great fun. We took the Australian couple most of the way ridding double to the market, and then we took off the other way. On the way we decided to see if we could get them to trot some. Off course they wanted too, the only problem was Pepper thought that we were headed home . . . which we weren’t. Since I haven’t ridden him a whole bunch we aren’t too used to working together, and he wanted to go home—fast. I don’t like it when he chooses the speed, so I tried to stop him which is hard at times. He didn’t stop and all of the sudden he turns right, which I wasn’t expect...